Tango Reference Phono Stage

Tango Reference Phono Stage

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Processing the deli­cate phono signal is one of the biggest chal­len­ges that ampli­fier desig­ners have to face. Acoustic Signa­tures Tango Refe­rence is undoub­tedly the most elabo­rate phono pre­amp­lifier we have ever made. Free Shipping to US !

Processing the deli­cate phono signal is one of the biggest chal­len­ges that ampli­fier desig­ners have to face. That is why the Acoustic Signature Tango Refe­rence is undoub­tedly the most elabo­rate phono preamplifier we have ever made.

The reso­nance-opti­mized and anti-mag­netic chassis made of a 70 mm thick and 22 kg solid alu­minum block, makes it clear how serious we are about this phono equa­lizer. The over-dimen­sioned power supply with toroi­dal trans­former is located on a sepa­rate board to ensure an absolute current stability. Both assem­blies are mounted on a special shiel­ding steel plate to avoid any inter­ference with the phono signal.

The Tango Refe­rence uses only high quality compo­nents that are indivi­dually selec­ted. In this way, its semi-active RIAA equa­lization achie­ves extre­mely accurate values with a maxi­mum devia­tion of less than 0.1 dB from the ideal curve! The elabo­rate single-ended output stage was desig­ned in Class A to gua­ran­tee minimal distor­tion as well as low hum and noise – the basis for high-reso­lution, fasci­nating 3D-imaging and invol­ving musi­cality. With its selec­table gain and 90-steps load impe­dance confi­gu­ra­tion, the Tango Refe­rence also offers optimal mat­ching options for any high-quality MM & MC Cartridge.

Special Features

- Phono pre­ampli­fier for MC, MI & MM cart­ridges

- Reso­nance-opti­mized and anti­mag­netic alu­minum chassis

- Super precise RIAA and extre­mely low distor­tion due to high quality compo­nents and single-ended output stage ( Class A )

- Extremely low hum & noise due to very short signal paths

- Over-dimen­sioned power supply

- Subsonic filter against low-frequency inter­fe­rences

- 4 selec­table gain steps

- Adjus­table load impe­dance via 90-steps DIP switch

Acoustic Signature Tango Reference Phono Stage User's Manual



MM: 42 ­dB,
MCH: 54­ dB,
MCL: 66­ dB

 Input Connection:

RCA, MM/MC selectable

 Output Connection:

unbalanced RCA

 Operation Voltage ( internal power supply ):

24 ­V­ DC

 Channel Separation:

> 92­ dB ( 1­ kHz )


±­0.1­ dB

 Signal-to-Noise Ratio:

MM: 89 ­dB,
MC: 74­ dB

 Subsonic Filter:



( W ) 424 x ( D ) 244 x ( H ) 80 ­mm


16 ­kg


2 years


Shipping Weight & Dimensions: 45 lbs , 15" x 9" x 9"