Komodo Doble V W Absorber (Painted)

Komodo Doble V W Absorber (Painted)

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( 4 ) Per Box. Absorption Coefficient- A Decorative & Innovative Absorber! Questions? Please call us at (702) 910-4913. Free Shipping to Continental US only!

Komodo absorber is an innovative wooden panel with an acoustically optimized perforation pattern that plays with sound radiation, offering reflection and reverberation control.
Komodo is tuned to work at mid-range frequencies, making it an effective tool for optimizing speech intelligibility whilst contributing to the perceived spaciousness of a room.


Type:  Absorber

Absorption Range:  315 Hz to 3150 Hz

Acoustic Class:  C | ( aw ) = 0,7


- RT reduction
- Flutter echo control
- Reducing excessive reverberation
- Improving speech intelligibility

Recommended For

- Hi-Fi Listening Room
- Media Room
- Home Cinema
- Living Room

Available Fire Rate:
FG | Furniture Grade

- Natural wood veneer | Lacquered HMDF
- Marine grade plywood structural frame
- Calibrated cell acoustic foam

Range | Dimensions:
Komodo Doble V - Absorber | 595 x 1190 x 55mm
- Equipped with six M6 Screw Thread receiver

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