Naim Audio

The highest price is $35,000

Naim Audio design & manufacture some of the finest high-end audio systems available in the world. Crafted for pure musical performance.

Driven by a passion for the same uncompromised listening experiences that our customers demand, we seek to go beyond an audiophile sound that is technically brilliant, and strive for the glorious emotional experience of the music.

Every Naim product is conceived, designed and engineered entirely in service of the sound, revealing a pure experience of music that is as close as possible to its original live source.

We believe that the exploration of sound is an adventure that rewards you with a clarity and connection that becomes more powerful the deeper you travel within it.  Which is why, every element within our systems is crafted to create a silence around the sound, reducing any interference between you and the intention of the artist.  We achieve this through tireless attention to four fundamentals in our engineering:


We give each of the critical components their own environment, omitting outside or ‘toxic’ interference, which means no compromise on the purity of sound.


We minimize any interplay between the internal levels, so that you can simultaneously enjoy both the quiet and the loud, as originally intended.

Purposeful Materiality

We use materials that excel in performance, not just appearance.


We constantly strive for new and innovative ways to achieve our goals, integrating sophisticated electronic design and software development, with mechanical engineering and acoustics to deliver a truly advanced sonic experience.

By managing the relationship between these four pillars of engineering we enable our listeners to hear every single note in equal measure and transcend from audio sound to musical performance. We call this unique and emotive transmission the ‘Voice of Naim’; it’s our signature, our calling card.

This ‘voice’ has been carefully engineered across our product portfolio and crafted to take you the listener deeper through this journey into music, from the excellent entry-level Mu-so wireless range, through to the ultimate listening investment in our ‘Marque’ separates - Classic, 500 and Statement, our flagship amplification system.  

Let the voice of Naim take you inside the music… Go Deeper.

Julian Vereker Founder of Naim